Why Study at ITEBA ?
- Establishment of ITEBA in collaboration with ITB
- Campus buildings that are inclusive, interactive, and pay attention to student comfort and needs
- Classroom and laboratory facilities really support the lecture process activities
- Study programs that are relevant to current and future industry and job market needs
- ITEBA has connections and partnerships with national and multinational companies
- Qualified and professional teachers in their field
- ITEBA has a creative and collaborative environment for the academic community
- ITEBA has a strong and extensive alumni network
- Employee classes available (study while working)
+ Academic & Non-Academic Achievement Scholarships available
+ Morning, Evening and Shift classes available
Batam Institute of Technology in Numbers
Faculty of Industrial Technology
Faculty of Information Technology
Competence in Technology and Quality
We hope to make ITEBA a learning and research university. This is an opportunity for us to face the challenges of globalization.
Instagram ITEBA
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News & Update
News Releases, Announcements and Latest Information About Technology
Yuk Mari Kuliah di ITEBA!
Kenapa Kuliah di ITEBA ?
Membanggakan, Mahasiwa Sistem Informasi ITEBA Terpilih Sebagai Calon Mentor Magang di Infinite Learning, Nongsa
Sylviana Anggraini, Salah satu mahasiswa Studi Independent di Infinite Learning, Nongsa, terpilih sebagai salah satu…
ITEBA Jajaki Potensi Kolaborasi Strategis dengan PT Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi
Selasa, 8 Oktober 2024, Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) menerima kunjungan dari salah satu mitra industri,…
ITEBA dan Asosiasi Manajemen Indonesia Jajaki Kolaborasi Strategis untuk Pengembangan Mahasiswa
Kamis, 3 Oktober 2024 – Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) menerima kunjungan dari Asosiasi Manajemen Indonesia…
Mahasiswa ITEBA Hadiri Roadshow “Cinta, Bangga, Paham Rupiah Digital Competition”
Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) baru-baru ini menghadiri roadshow bertajuk “Cinta, Bangga, Paham Rupiah Digital…
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi dan Fakultas Teknologi Industri ITEBA Tandatangani MOA dengan MGMP Fisika Kota Batam
Batam, 30 September 2024 – Fakultas Teknologi Informasi dan Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Batam…
Tiga Dosen ITEBA Lolos sebagai Dosen Pendamping Program MSIB Batch 7 Tahun 2024
Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) kembali mencatat prestasi gemilang dengan terpilihnya tiga dosen sebagai Dosen Pendamping…