Why Study at ITEBA ?

  • Establishment of ITEBA in collaboration with ITB
  • Campus buildings that are inclusive, interactive, and pay attention to student comfort and needs
  • Classroom and laboratory facilities really support the lecture process activities
  • Study programs that are relevant to current and future industry and job market needs
  • ITEBA has connections and partnerships with national and multinational companies
  • Qualified and professional teachers in their field
  • ITEBA has a creative and collaborative environment for the academic community
  • ITEBA has a strong and extensive alumni network
  • Employee classes available (study while working)

+ Academic & Non-Academic Achievement Scholarships available

+ Morning, Evening and Shift classes available

Batam Institute of Technology in Numbers

Study programs

Faculty of Industrial Technology​

Faculty of Information Technology

Competence in Technology and Quality

We hope to make ITEBA a learning and research university. This is an opportunity for us to face the challenges of globalization.

Instagram ITEBA

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News & Update

News Releases, Announcements and Latest Information About Technology

Membanggakan, Mahasiwa Sistem Informasi ITEBA Terpilih Sebagai Calon Mentor Magang di Infinite Learning, Nongsa

Sylviana Anggraini, Salah satu mahasiswa Studi Independent di Infinite Learning, Nongsa, terpilih sebagai salah satu…

Indosat Gelar Seminar Entrepreneurship: Peluang Bisnis di Era Artificial Intelligence di ITEBA

Batam, 3 Desember 2024 — Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Indosat) dengan bangga menggelar seminar bertajuk “Entrepreneurship:…

KPU Bea dan Cukai Batam Berkunjung ke ITEBA, Bahas Peluang Kerja Sama

Selasa, 3 Desember 2024, Kantor Pelayanan Utama (KPU) Bea dan Cukai Tipe B Batam mengunjungi…

ITEBA dan WIMNUS Kepri Gelar Seminar Nasional Public Speaking untuk Mahasiswa

Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) bekerja sama dengan Wirausaha Muda Nusantara (WIMNUS) DPD Kepulauan Riau menggelar…

Mahasiswa ITEBA Berpartisipasi dalam Graduate Showcase 2024 di Apple Developer Academy

Sebanyak 36 mahasiswa dari berbagai program studi di Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) menghadiri acara Graduate…

ITEBA Terlibat Aktif dalam Pemeriksaan TPS/PDU untuk Program Desa Pesisir Bersih di Pulau Buluh

Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA) mempertegas komitmennya terhadap pelestarian lingkungan dengan berkontribusi dalam pemeriksaan bersama (MC-100)…