Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. H. Hairul Abral
Rector of Batam Institute of Technology
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Welcome to the Official Website of the Batam Institute of Technology (ITEBA)
ITEBA is a university with extraordinary potential. This university is located in the strategic city of Batam, namely in the Sijori triangle area (Singapore – Johor – Riau) where international trade traffic occurs. Currently ITEBA has 6 undergraduate study programs, 2 of which are Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management which are under the Faculty of Industrial Technology, and 4 of which are Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Visual Communication Design and Mathematics. All Study Programs have been accredited “Good” by BAN-PT.
As an academic institution, ITEBA has a mission to improve community welfare through the Tri Dharma activities of higher education. As an academic institution, ITEBA is obliged to produce graduates who have excellent qualifications in the fields of science, information technology and industrial engineering through the best and measurable educational processes so that they are able to compete on the national and international stage. Through the Tri Dharma of higher education, one of which is research, ITEBA is obliged to produce work in the fields of science, industrial and information technology as well as quality design that can be taken into account on a national and international scale. As part of the community and also receiving funding from the community, ITEBA is obliged to become an institution that is dedicated to carrying out community service related to these three fields.
We hope to make ITEBA a learning and research university. This is an opportunity for us to face the challenges of globalization.
This website was created to provide information for prospective students and parents regarding academic information, campus facilities, and campus life at ITEBA. Hopefully this website can be a useful means of information and can bridge all levels of society with ITEBA.
Enjoy the Official Website of the Batam Institute of Technology.
Batam, 2022
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. H. Hairul Abral
Rector of Batam Institute of Technology